Who am I
Gaby Jongenelen Fotografie
Christopher Fernando Fotografie
Born in Overschie
Lived in Prinsenland
Elementary school De Kleine Prins
Moved to Blijdorp
Primary school De Blijberg
2010-2016 Secondary school Wolfert van Borselen Bilingual education (IB). Even in High School I was a busy bee.
Started a GSA and a studentcouncil. Committees: Yearbook, End-of-Highschool celebratory day, Christmasdinner. High school thesis on improving education. Social internship in North Macedonia.
Started to live on my own in Rotterdam.
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Law & Tax Law
Minor Responsible Innovation, Leiden University, TU Delft en Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
2022 - present Paralegal Regulatory
2020 - 2022 Working student
2021 - 2022 Columnist, Erasmus Magazine.
2020 Factorywork packing spices, Verstegen.
2020 Summer assistance for roadside issues in foreign countries. Translating Dutch/English/Farsi/Turkish, ANWB.
2018-2020 Student-Assistant, Pre Academic Programme Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
2017 Student-Assistant ‘Alumnifonds en belteam’, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
2017-2020 Software Trainer (Navigator), Wolters Kluwer & Legal Intelligence.
2017 Allround Hospitality Assistant, Keukenhof Lisse.
2016 Author for the course "Legal History", Slimstuderen.
2013-2015 Public Information Officer, Rotterdam (Project building and creating a focus on sustainability through public education. Informing the citizens of Rotterdam about important changes in the city. Administrative work.)
Volunteer work/Extracurricular activities
2022 - present Member of the Supervisory Board
2022 - present Member of the Advisory Board and consulting the legal team, STUUR.
2017 - present Co-founder and president of the Supervisory Board, NILS Netherlands.
2018-2022 Ambassador and Columnist, Mr.Studenten.
2017-2019 Mentee Ministerie van Defensie & Ministerie van OCW, Giving Back.
2017-2018 Social worker and translator, Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland
2018 Volunteer, Dierenbescherming Rotterdam
2016-2018 Volunteer back stage manager & horeca, Duizel in Het Park
2016 Volunteer, Chinese Newyears Festival
2015 Helped build the Vroesenpaviljoen
2014 Art School – four month course at the Willem de Koning.
Political career
On the 14th, 15th and 16th March you can vote for me.
2022 - present Candidate councilor, number 5, GroenLinks Rotterdam.
2018 - present President of the Workgroup ‘Groen’.
2020-2022 Scouting Committee.
2020-2022 Program Committee (Working on the program for the upcoming municipal elections in 2022. Focused on the green, climate, sustainability and education chapters.)
2017 Start membership at GroenLinks.
As you may know by now: I am fascinated by languages.
French (beginner).
Chinees (beginner)
Korean (beginner)